Site permissions, credits and other information
All content authored by Seamie O'Dowd. 2020.
Replication, quoting, linking to, copying and pasting of all text contained on the pages of this site is permitted by the author.
The image used throughout the site is the artistic property of photographer Colin Gillen.Using it is not a problem I'm sure but an acknowledgement of Colin's ownership would be appreciated.
All pages validated by the W3C Mark Up Validator.
Any user accessibility issues or any other issues relating to the site in terms of content or functionality can be reported via the contact page.
All information on the site is accurate at the time of writing. The site is kept as up to date as the author's schedule will allow.
Links to other sites, while linked to a definite web address at the time of site publishing, can occasionally lead to a different site or may not lead to the required information due to factors that the author of this site cannot reasonably assume responsibility for, such as the linked to sites being rebuilt, web domain subscriptions lapsing , and a variety of other factors.The author will however, within reason, endeavour to make sure that all links remain relevant to purpose.
Many thanks for visiting the site.
Site author Seamie O'Dowd 2020